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Storyboard Portfolio: "Zantu" 

"Zantu, alone and confused, awakens a dormant magic deep within ancient ruins. To escape, he must fight an internal battle or lose himself in the process."

Zantu is a student film that I directed in 2020-2022 which explores the ability to take control of ones emotion state even in the face of adversity. I was responsible for creating storyboards for three sequences throughout the film, each of which take Zantu through an intense emotional journey from panic to inner peace.

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"Zantu" - Panic Attack

In this sequence, Zantu discovers a vast cavern underground which awakens some rather unsettling and confusing memories of his past, leading him into full-blown panic, and chaos ensues.

"Zantu" - The Epiphany

Panic Attack
The Epiphany

Amidst his panic, Zantu has one final flashback. This sequence takes place just after snapping out of that flashback. Zantu has an epiphany that allows him to slow down his mind and finally take control of the situation.

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